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Six Signs that Senior Supportive Living Might Be Right for Your Senior

Senior supportive living can make life easier and more enjoyable for your family member by helping her to manage the tasks that are becoming more difficult.
Senior Supportive Living Granite City, IL: Retirement Communities and Seniors

It’s so hard to know when it’s right to make a big change in your elderly family member’s life. In the case of moving from her home to a retirement community, you might want to pay attention to some of these signs.

Difficulty with ADLs

Senior Supportive Living Granite City, IL: Retirement Communities and Seniors

ADLs, or activities of daily living, are those activities that your senior needs to do for self-care, like eating, bathing, and more. If your senior is forgetting to eat or is having trouble taking care of things like laundry, that can be an indication that she would benefit from having more help. Living in a community that offers her the support she needs ensures those ADLs are handled.

Trouble Managing Medications

Medication does a world of good for your aging family member, but only if it’s taken as prescribed. If your senior is having more difficulty keeping up with her medications or is taking them haphazardly, they may not be helping her as much as they should be. Having an extra set of eyes on the situation can ensure that your senior has the help that she needs.

Mobility Concerns

Mobility can become a huge concern for aging adults. This is an even bigger concern if your elderly family member’s home can’t be modified to keep up with her mobility needs. Supportive living environments are built to accommodate mobility devices and the changing needs your senior may have in the future.

Inability to Drive

Having to give up driving can be a huge concern for aging adults. Driving symbolizes independence and being able to continue living in the way that your senior wants to live. If she’s had to give up driving, that can be a tremendous concern. With senior supportive living, your elderly family member has transportation to medical appointments, to social engagements, and more.

Difficulty Keeping up with Household Chores

It takes so much energy and time in order to keep up with a home and a yard. There’s so much to manage that it can become overwhelming for your senior very quickly. In a senior living community, your senior doesn’t have any of that upkeep to worry about. She can simply relax and enjoy her day.

Tendency Toward Isolation

Social isolation is a massive concern for aging adults. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but no matter why it’s occurring, it can lead to serious physical and mental health problems for your elderly family member. Having friendly staff and people of all types that she can interact with right there with her can make all the difference for your senior.

Every senior’s situation is different, but if you’re noticing some of these concerning issues cropping up more often for your senior it might be time for a change. Senior supportive living might be just what she needs.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering a move to a Senior Supportive Living in Granite City, IL or surrounding areas please contact the caring staff at Knollwood Retirement Community today. 618-394-0569

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