Supportive Living serving St. Clair and Madison County, Illinois since 2011

Senior Care News

Healthy Aging and Senior Supportive Living

Your senior’s main goal might be to embrace healthy aging, and that’s something that supportive living can help her to achieve.
Senior Supportive Living Swansea, IL: Healthy Aging

Senior supportive living options can be truly instrumental in helping your aging family member to continue to embrace healthy aging. So many different variables can interfere with her goals as your senior ages, but that doesn’t have to keep her from having the experience that she wants to have as she grows older.

Nutrition and Healthy Habits

Senior Supportive Living Swansea, IL: Healthy Aging

Keeping up with nutritional needs and healthy eating habits on her own may be a lot harder than your senior expects over time. Getting enough water can also start to become more difficult. These facts are especially true as she starts to experience challenges that make it more difficult for her to cook, to go grocery shopping, and to feel like eating after all that. Senior supportive living gives your senior a chance to get the nutrition she needs without expending undue effort.

Moving and Resting

There’s a balance between movement and rest that’s optimal for your senior, and on her own she may not find it easy to achieve that balance. Things get even more complicated as your elderly family member needs more support in order to stay safely mobile. Being able to get the rest that she needs enables her to have the energy she needs in order to stay mobile.

Socializing and Learning New Things

Supportive living also offers an opportunity for your senior to socialize on her own terms, which can be a huge benefit when you’re trying to make sure she’s able to have social interactions regularly. Being able to learn new things keeps your senior engaged and keeps her brain working and processing information, which is what she and you both want. Your elderly family member has many more options in a group setting than she might even consider exploring on her own.

Having Assistance When Needed

The biggest benefit of senior supportive living is how your elderly family member is able to get the help that she needs, when she needs it the most. Your senior may have good days interspersed with days that are more difficult and knowing that she’s got someone she can rely on during those difficult days is tremendous. As your elderly family member’s needs change, so too can the support that she receives.

Keeping in mind how supportive living options can make being healthy easier for your senior can allow both of you to see the benefits. That’s important when your elderly family member may be worried that she is losing independence or needing too much help.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Senior Supportive Living in Swansea, IL or surrounding areas please contact the caring staff at Knollwood Retirement Community today. 618-394-0569

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